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The Best Training Accessory
- EXCLUSIVE "NO-SLIP" CUSTOM ENGINEERED MATERIAL Made Exclusively for GYFITNESS. Scientifically Formulated for Superior Gripping Strength. GYFit Grips is the Top-of-the-Line Grip Assist.
- BUILT-IN ARCH SUPPORT Offers PROTECTION FROM CARPAL TUNNEL and Protects Hands from Nerve Damage while Promoting Healthy Circulation to Hands and Wrists.
- EXTENDED GRIP LENGTH Designed for Superior Strength, Durability & Double Reinforced Tough. Maximum Hand-Protection from Calluses QUICK-RELEASE FEATURE makes it safe & easy to release the weight bar. Outperforms gloves, hooks & straps. Wide wrist strap offers Excellent Wrist Support. For Pulling & Pushing Exercises ALL IN ONE
Outperform Gloves and Lifting Straps Anyone who lifts weights knows that grip strength is often their weakest link. Whether performing high repetitions with lighter weight, or low repetitions with heavier weight and unsupported or unprotected grip can result in having to cut the routine short or even dropping the weight. GYFit Grips are the key. They provide the ultimate mind‐muscle connection that enables the weight to be an extension of the user’s arm, effectively eliminating grip fatigue and failure.
Ingenious Design Gloves, lifting straps, and hooks have been around a while and all have limitations. The sleek, cutting‐edge design ofGYFit Grips replaces the need for any other product. They provide the support required for all pulling and pushing exercises, as well as the protection provided by gloves. GYFit Grips offers superior wrist support and palm protection for all pushing exercises. The quick‐release feature makes it safe and easy to let go of the weight immediately when necessary. Unlike lifting straps that cut off blood circulation and can cause nerve damage, GYFit Grips have a funnel‐shaped design that allows the weight to rest at the base of the hand so as not to restrict circulation. They also have a unique built‐in arch support to help prevent carpal tunnel and injuries.
PULLING Exercise
When performing a pulling exercise like a deadlift, shrug, or chin-up, GYFit Grips are designed to fit securely (not too tightly) around the base of the weightlifter's hand.
With the GYFit Grips standing in front of the palm of your hand, position the lifting bar between your palm and the gripping portion of the GYFit Grips (GYFit Grips should be on the outside of the bar). Using the tips of the fingers, fold the thicker end of the grip over the top of the weightlifting bar, between the bar, and against the palm of your hand. Grasp the weightlifting bar as you would normally. At this point, you are locked on and ready to pull.
The Science Behind
The design of GYFit Grips is based on scientific research in physiology and anatomy. There are a group of small finger‐flexor muscles in your forearm that comprise the grip. These muscles are connected to your fingers by the tendons that pass through the wrist. In order to achieve maximum development and isolation of the larger muscle groups, the grip and hands need support and protection. GYFit Grips do just that. They allow the lifter to focus on the larger muscle groups without the distraction of grip fatigue or failure. The self‐supportive palm piece stands up in front of the hand for easy overhead exercises. The high‐quality material locks your grip in place and is exclusive and proprietary to GYFit Grips.
PUSHING Exercise
Built into each grip is arch support that works like a bridge over the arch of your hand. The arch support is firm and stiff, yet flexible enough to wrap over the weightlifting bar when performing pushing exercises.
Position the GYFit Grips farther up on the wrist, then pull the strap tightly around the wrist.
With the palm piece of GYFit Grips lying against the palm of your hand and the weightlifting bar resting on top of the grip, grasp the weightlifting bar as you normally would to perform a pushing exercise.